Our Curriculum
The word ‘curriculum’ is a Latin - derived word, meaning the route of a race.
At Towers, our curriculum takes our children on a journey and, as with all journeys, we have a destination in mind.
Our intent is to build a child’s future with facts and creativity and with awe and wonder at its heart. Our destination is that all of our children are:
- successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve (Our head and body: what we learn)
- respectful residents who are fully rounded characters with a clear understanding of complex values like equality, friendship and trust (Our heart and character: Who we are when we learn)
- resilient individuals who develop behaviours and habits to become effective learners (Our actions and attitudes: How we act when we learn)
- responsible citizens motivated by a strong personal sense of morality who own their own destiny (Our moral compass helping us navigate our place in the community and wider world: Who we are)
More information about our curriculum:
Post pandemic, we produced the 7 Towers of Empowerment and Engagement with our learning: