Useful Links

Useful Links

Towers Junior School

"At Towers we BUILD our future"

Life at Towers Junior School Life at Towers Junior School Life at Towers Junior School Life at Towers Junior School Life at Towers Junior School


Here at The Federation of Towers schools, we celebrate that every child’s learning journey is different. We strive to ensure that every child receives the highest quality teaching, adapted to their individual needs, to help them to achieve their personal goals. We want to support them to build on essential knowledge and skills both in the curriculum and with skills for life. It is vital that our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners both in and out of the classroom. All of our classrooms are inclusive environments, where all learners develop together, working towards the common goal of achieving their personal best.


If you have any concerns regarding your child's ability to access the curriculum, please contact our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) Mrs Berry on 01708 449872 or 


Our SEND policy can be found here


 Click here for a range of resources and support for home learning

inclusion hub with links 1 .pdf

Welcome to our virtual Inclusion Hub! Please explore our child friendly classroom to find different resources, videos, links and videos explaining how to deliver interventions at home. There are many different links hidden in the classroom, click the different images to find targeted resources and videos. This classroom will be updated with different resources so keep checking in!

Communication and Interaction

Social Emotional and Mental Health 

Resources for YOU

Resources for YOU

Comic Strip Conversations

Speech and Language

Visual resources

Makaton resources

Emotional Literacy


Yoga and Interactive Stories

Support for YOU Support for YOU

Supporting Families with Autism

Positive Parents

Sycamore Trust

RAGS (Romford Autistic Group Support)

Speech and language link

Positive Parents

Health and Wellbeing Toolkit

Supporting Families with ADHD

Supporting Families with Anxiety

Raising Confident Children

Understanding Challenging Behaviour

Add Up


Cognition and Learning


Physical and Sensory


Resources for YOU Resources for YOU


Nessy Reading and Spelling

Precision Teaching 


Strategies to Support Learning 

Fine and gross motor 

Makaton resources


Touch typing - suitable for visual impairment 

Digital Books - enlarged as needed


Support for YOU Support for YOU 

Positive Parents

Family Action

Best Beginnings

Positive Parents

Support Group for Visual Impairment

Best Beginnings